So bringst du deine Wohnung in Ordnung: 10 einfache Tipps
Eine unordentliche Wohnung kann schnell überwältigend wirken. Doch mit ein paar einfachen Schritten kannst du dein Zuhause in einen aufgeräumten und gemütlichen Ort gestalten
Wohnungsauflösung: Preise und Kosten
Develop a clear plan
Before you dive headfirst into tidying up, take a few minutes to get an overview. Which corner of your home bothers you the most? Maybe it’s the cluttered dining table or the messy kitchen countertop. Start where you can make the biggest difference and work your way forward step by step. Don’t stress – taking breaks in between will help you keep track of things. And don’t forget to reward yourself when you’ve finished an area. That way tidying up won’t be a burden, but a doable project.
Declutter and donate generously
A tidy living space starts with less clutter. Go through each room and think about each item: Do I really still need this? Things that you haven’t used for months or that no longer offer you any added value can go. You can donate things that are in good condition, such as clothing, books or dishes – organizations or second-hand shops will be happy to receive your donations. This creates space and gives your things a second chance to make others happy. Less stuff means more room to breathe.
Discover smart storage solutions
Efficient storage is the key to a tidy home, especially when space is limited. Furniture with integrated storage space is worth its weight in gold: beds with drawers, coffee tables with compartments or stools with storage space. Baskets and boxes that you can stack neatly are ideal for small items such as cables or toys. And think about the walls! With shelves, hooks or magnetic strips you can create additional storage space without blocking the floor. This not only keeps your home tidy, but also looks cozy and inviting.
Clear areas for more structure
One of the most common reasons for clutter is the lack of a designated place for certain things. Set up zones in your home that know exactly what they are for: a reading corner with books and a comfortable lamp, an area for your work, or a place for shoes and bags. If every object has its designated place, it is easier to put everything away again. This not only ensures more order, but also a pleasant atmosphere.
Organize your closet
Wardrobes are often a collection point for things that don’t fit anywhere else. Time for a fresh start! Sort your clothes into categories – for example, by everyday life, work or seasons. Clothes that you hardly wear or don’t wear at all can be donated or sold. Use hangers, boxes or shelf inserts to store everything neatly. Hanging organizers or small shelves are ideal for shoes, bags and accessories. A well-organized wardrobe makes getting dressed in the morning easier and keeps clutter at bay.
Open spaces are worth their weight in gold
Tables, countertops and shelves seem to automatically attract clutter. But the less you leave on these surfaces, the tidier your home will appear. Make it a habit to tidy up work surfaces immediately after use – for example, the kitchen after cooking or the desk after work. This way, the feeling of chaos doesn’t arise in the first place and the rooms immediately appear much tidier.
Apply the “one in, one out” rule
Sometimes things pile up faster than we realize – a new piece of clothing here, a decorative accessory there. To prevent this, the simple “one in, one out” rule helps: for every new item that comes into your home, say goodbye to an old one. This not only ensures a balanced amount of things, but also prevents your home from becoming overflowing. And before you buy something new, ask yourself: do I really need this, and do I have space for it? These small considerations make a big difference.
Schedule routine cleaning
A tidy apartment only stays tidy if you look after it regularly. Schedule fixed times for cleaning tasks. For example, once a week for vacuuming, mopping or cleaning the bathroom. Even small routines in everyday life make a big difference: put away the dishes immediately after eating or quickly dust while you’re on the phone. Keep your cleaning supplies close at hand so that you can do spontaneous tasks straight away. With a clear rhythm, your home not only stays clean, it also feels much more pleasant.
Labeling to keep track
Labels are a simple but effective way to keep things in order. Whether on boxes, baskets or drawers – with clear labels, everyone in your household knows immediately where everything belongs. This saves time and hassle, especially in shared rooms such as the kitchen or bathroom. Labels ensure that your organization systems work for longer.
everyday routines for lasting order
Creating order is the beginning, keeping it is the art. Small habits help keep chaos under control. For example, make your bed every morning, sort mail as soon as it arrives or put things away immediately after use. With such small routines, your apartment will stay tidy in the long term and you will never have to start a major clean-up again.
Mit diesen 10 Tipps kannst du dein Zuhause Schritt für Schritt organisieren. Der Schlüssel liegt darin, dran zu bleiben und Ordnung zu einer Gewohnheit zu machen. Egal ob du Möbel suchst oder Hilfe beim Entrümpeln brauchst – Brockenhaus Schatzkiste in der Schweiz unterstützt dich gerne. Mit etwas Mühe wird deine unordentliche Wohnung zu einem angenehmen und aufgeräumten Rückzugsort.
1. Wie kann ich meine unordentliche Wohnung ohne viel Geld organisieren?
Du kannst Geld sparen, indem du entrümpelst und günstige Aufbewahrungslösungen wie Kisten oder Körbe verwendest. Nutze ausserdem den vorhandenen Platz effizient, z. B. mit Regalen oder Haken, und spende oder verkaufe ungenutzte Dinge, um Platz zu schaffen.
2. Wie oft sollte ich meine Wohnung entrümpeln?
Am besten machst du einmal pro Saison eine grössere Entrümpelung. Kleinere Aufräumaktionen monatlich helfen dir, den Überblick zu behalten.
3. Welche einfachen Aufbewahrungslösungen gibt es für kleine Wohnungen?
Multifunktionale Möbel wie Hocker mit Stauraum oder Betten mit Schubladen sind ideal. Auch Wandhaken, Regale und Boxen können Platz sparen und helfen, kleine Gegenstände ordentlich aufzubewahren.
4. Kann ein professioneller Entrümpelungsservice mir helfen?
Ja, ein Entrümpelungsservice kann dir helfen, überflüssige Gegenstände abzutransportieren. Ausserdem bekommst du oft Tipps, wie du Möbel besser anordnen kannst, um mehr Platz zu schaffen.
5. Wie halte ich meine Wohnung langfristig ordentlich?
Periodisch Aufräumen und einfache Routinen, wie das tägliche Wegräumen von Dingen oder die „Eins rein, eins raus“-Regel, helfen dir, dauerhaft Ordnung zu bewahren.